Monday, September 23, 2013


This Initiation Breaks Your Karmic Patterns (article below)

Most of your Financial problems are Karmic patterns at best. 
5 reasons why people fail to attract money in their life. Read Below.

Aishwarya Dharini  is a phenomenal tool; a sacred geometrical pattern that is transmitted through the ancient lineage of Himalayan yogis. It has a unique ability to work on your karmic structure and make a correction in the areas that are needed in a subtle fashion making huge possibilities to create freedom from your financial worries.

The initiation will work at your karmic level making a huge scope of removing your financial worries. Speak to me to get initiated. 09440358048

Financial worries are not useful. Get rid of them 
as soon as possible…..

5 reasons why people fail to attract money in their life:
This is one of the most common mistakes that people do especially those who are not attracting the money that is needed for them in their life. The willingness to create a corrective pattern when not understood by the mind of the person often yields to a rigid state. RIGIDITY IS DEATH. when death happens there will be no movement. Without movement how will one attract money. Movement becomes an essential force that plays a significant impact to attract money in ones life. Even you or me will find it extremely difficult to attract money without movement.

Are you some one who belongs to this mind state. If yes caution yourself as you are breeding a huge possibility to create enormous resistance in attracting money in your life. People who resort to a mind state which often tends to worry when it comes to spending shall belong to this category. NOTE: THERE IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SPENDING MONEY LIKE WATER AND NOT SPENDING MONEY when and where required....

A recent survey states that over 85 percent of the people in marketing, sales, accounting, administration ,purchase etc do not carry a mind that is absolutely involved in their work. If you happen to be in this category then don't be surprised if you are lacking money to meet your immediate needs or finding it difficult to pool that extra luxury money. Being involved in what you do is an essential factor that will determine in shaping your money flow largely.

This category of people are the most miserly people who will never know what abundance is. Compulsive seekers of money are those who often resort to a practice of looking at others and then trying to objectify their needs. This kind of attitude often results in a great wound that marks a great potential threat for the person to attract money. 

The most unpleasant thought that one continues to entertain in his mind is the thought of not willing to work on oneself. What I have noticed after meeting and having my sessions do for many people is this factor that I AM NOT INTERESTED IN LEARNING AND WORKING ON MYSELF attitude is the one that prevents many from attracting money. If you are someone who feels you are not able to attract the needed money or save some for the extra luxury spending then one thing you could immediately do is know ways through which you can work on your inner nature. 

An Initiation to connect ones breath to the dimension of...
Prosperity - Abundance.

Free your financial worries in the next 7 days

What makes you rich is not the material wealth acquired, but the Capability & Connectivity within that can create this wealth at will.

Every Sunday, Wednesday & Friday
@ The BreathSpace, Sainikpuri Hyderabad
Morning 10 to 1.00 and evening 6.30 to 9.00 p.m

To Register Your Participation.
Call 9440358048
 Venue : B - 104 , Vineyard Osetra. Vivekanandapuram, Sainikpuri. Hyd.

What is a symbol? How does it work? What will it cost? What if it does not work?
1. A symbol represents a dimension. Even you use a emoticon to express happiness/ any feeling. A dimension contains all about it. AUM is a symbol that represents the primo
rdial energy. Swastika represents balance and prosperity. The cross represents “Presence and protection”, even in Islam there is a specific significance to the moon and the star. Symbol represents a dimension.

2. Happiness is a dimension, so when you are happy happiness expresses itself through you. You behave like happiness and not anything like you. Similarly abundance is a dimension. If you are not going to be connected to it, how are you going to draw from it. THINK.

3. Initiation means transmission into the other or extending the thread into the other of connecting to a particular dimension. Here in this case one will be initiated to the lineage of breathers who are all connected to the dimension via a symbol. Symbol may also be understood as the form of the energy of abundance or resourcefulness. 

4. This works simply because you are now threaded to the dimension and can draw from it.

5. The session is valued at 5000 rs. Personally i would very strongly recommend it be a part of your breath.

Well-being cannot be postponed.
Many a time the last penny which you hold becomes the key to your door to Fortune.
Don't be a Mind... Be Life itself.

Financial Freedom.

Come create a beautiful relationship with Life's resources and Start breathing from the Dimension of Abundance

Contact 9440358048 for registering.  Call Now.

Financial abundance is the fortune that is made available to only those who are free of their karmic uncertainties that they have created using the science that always belongs to the world on the Inner..... Self expression. Warm Wishes. PARTHA.


Karmic pattern is nothing but a designed code of choices we make as per our tendencies encoded as genetic information in our DNA. Creating a shift in the DNA is what an Initiation does... and the Karmic Pattern is broken.

Bad things do not happen to good people... they simply make bad choices as they respond to their tendencies unconsciously.

Clearing our identified Karmic pattern may be the biggest gift that we can give to our children. Even if the child is already born, or grown up, the shift in the DNA information in the PARENT is replicated even in the child for they mirror the same path/ tunnel.

The Initiation must be carried by a qualified energy... for it is a work of transmission.

What is a Initiation?
Initiation is connecting one's breath to a particular dimension. Dimension is that space or intelligence in the consciousness from where we are drawing our present breath. By transmitting the right information, creating an environment of specific intelligence and creating a shift in the breath, an initiation is done.

This article is being written for all my fellow beings for i find many do not have a clue to why they face certain patterns in their lives. They do not have a clue to the reasons as to how/ why they made certain choices in their life leading to difficult states of Health, Relationships, Emotions, Finances or experiencing freedom, which is the very nature of Life.


For initiation... take your step now...

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